
Muhammad Abdullah

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New seller Available now Offline
  • Mechanical engineer, 3D design, product design, animation, jewellery, CNC
  • Member since August 29, 2024


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  • English Fluent

About me

Mechanical engineer, 3D design, product design, animation, jewellery, CNC

Recent gigs

3D model custom CAD
3D model custom CAD
3 Days delivery
( 0 ) Review
Starting at £10.00
3D product animation and render
3D product animation and render
5 Days delivery
( 0 ) Review
Starting at £65.00
PCB design and circuit design Schematic
PCB design and circuit design Schematic
5 Days delivery
( 0 ) Review
Starting at £285.00
3D home elevation and exterior Renders
3D home elevation and exterior Renders
3 Days delivery
( 0 ) Review
Starting at £65.00
design 3D jewelry models using Rhino 3D and 4K renders
Starting at £85.00

